Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I'm Back

I got back from Wisconsin Sunday evening but it took me a few days to catch up. My hoof trimming experience, to say the least, was fantastic. I learned so much.
Monday through Wednesday we studied cow feet from slaughtered cows so we could see the reason for the culling due to lameness. After lots of practice we worked on-farm Thursday and Friday handling live cows. During this time, we performed functional basic trimming and when there was a problem with a cow we took care of lesions and other claw problems by preforming  therapeutic trimming.
Here is just a few pics I took when I was there.

This cow was lame so I learned to block her opposite claw so her bad claw can rest 
I was able to handle many cows there to feel confident on coming home and applying my new knowledge and skills to our Jerseys.  I didn't have the opportunity on learning much for Breis and Fryer except trimming so I will have to continue to study Oxen from a different perspective and other experts. I sure hope I find them soon.

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