Monday, July 20, 2015

Even when the weather is hot,

This weather has been brutal but Kathryn and I try to find time to work our boys in the early morning.
She took a great picture of the steers for all of us to see how much Fi and Asha have grown.

These guys (Fi and Asha) are growing. Kathryn's steers will be 2 this coming Sept. 25th. 
Breis and Fryer will be turning 6 years old this month the 29th.

I have been working on a project for the oxen to trail around our 10 ache pasture. It will be an excellent why to keep the brush from taking over and growing too close to the cow's fence line and also give Breis and Fryer a way to exercise without having to walk on the gravel. 
I feel the hardest challenge I have had to face with working oxen is their feet and protecting them from rough roads.   

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