Monday, March 31, 2014

I wanted to let Breis and Fryers' followers know that tomorrow we will be cleaning out the compost barn where the milk cows have been staying in during the winter.

We will be using draft animal power to spread the compost on the pastures. Two horse teams and Breis and Fryer will pull the spreaders. If you can make it out between 10 and 4:00, we would love for you to witness draft animals at work. I am not wanting to open to the public but just to the blog viewers. One very exciting sight will be Lester's team. He will have a 3 horse hitch pulling his spreader. Very powerful pull. So if you can make it, come on out, if not I will blog pictures and videos.

Kathryn and Ezra will also be bringing our favorite little steers, Fi and Asha. Come see how they have grown.

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